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Daily Bread: 24 mar. 2012

Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de beth!
Gandul zilei:
 Sa invatam de la Isus sa avem mila pentru cei neajutorati !

Meditatia zilei:
 Unul dintre lucrurile cele mai importante pe care ucenicii l-au invatat de la Isus a fost mila pentru cei carora nu le arata nimeni consideratie. Isus nu s-a sfiit sa stea la masa cu vamesii, cu pacatosii, sa vindece pe cei ce nu mai aveau nicio speranta si sa dea mantuire femeilor pacatoase. In mila Sa, n-a respins niciodata pe nimeni, oricat de sarac, prost imbracat, murdar ar fi fost. La fel de bine cum intra in casele celor bogati si accepta invitatiile lor la masa, El ii iubea si pe cei napastuiti. Poate mai mult decat pe cei ce o duceau bine.
Daca tot ne intrebam mereu, “What would Jesus do?”, iata un raspuns clar, ce nu mai are nevoie de lamuriri: Isus i-ar cauta pe cei in nevoie, pe cei care nu au ce pune pe masa, nu au siguranta zilei de maine, nu au familie, prieteni, poate pozitie sociala. Isus S-ar sacrifica pentru ei. Le-ar arata dragoste, dar cu fapta, nu cu vorba. Pentru ca El a vazut si inca vede diamantul din noroi, si vrea sa-l faca sa straluceasca ! Iar pentru asta are nevoie de noi. Exemple ne-a lasat destule.
Si asa cum spune melodia zilei, nu e greu sa facem ca El: ne trebuie doar o inima buna si o atingere blanda... Si rasplata ne va fi mare, cand vom vedea in ochii celor neajutorati...speranta.

Melodia zilei:
Guy Penrod - The Broken Ones
Maggie came home one day with a raggedy, Raggedy Ann.
She said " Mama, look what I found in the neighbour’s garbage can."
It had a missing left arm, and a right button eye hanging by a thread
She carried it gently up to her room and laid it one her bed with her other dolls.

She loves the broken ones, the ones that need a little patchin' up.
She sees the diamond in the rough and makes it shine like new !
It really doesn't take that much, a willing heart and a tender touch
If everybody loved like she does, there'd be a lot less broken ones.

Twenty years later at a shelter on Eighteenth Avenue
A seventeen year old girl shows up all black and blue
With needle tracks in her left arm, almost too weak to stand,
She says,"I'm lost an I need help", and Maggie takes her hand,
And says, "Come on in!"

She loves the broken ones, the ones that need a little patchin' up
She sees the diamond in the rough, and makes it shine like new !
It really doesn't take that much, a willing heart and a tender touch
If everybody loved like she does, there'd be a lot less broken ones.

If you call her and angel, she'd be quick to say to you
She's just doing what The One who died for her would do..

Love the broken ones, the ones that need a little patchin' up
See a diamond in the rough and make ‘em shine like new !
It really doesn't take that much, a willing heart and a tender touch…
If everybody loved like He does, there'd be a lot less broken ones !
If everybody loved like she does, there's be a lot less broke ones.

Maggie came home one day with a raggedy, Raggedy Ann…

Rugaciunea zilei:
Doamne, da-ne o inima ca a Ta, plina de dragoste pentru cei ce au cea mai mare nevoie de ea !

Multumim beth pentru slujire!

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