Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de Laura!
Gandul zilei:"Totusi Tu esti Cel Sfant si Tu locuiesti in mijlocul laudelor lui Israel." Psalmi 22.3
Meditatia zilei:
"Totusi Tu esti Cel Sfant si Tu locuiesti in mijlocul laudelor lui Israel."
El e Sfant, Glorios si Infinit. El e singurul care merita inchinarea noastra. El e singurul vrednic de cinste, glorie, onoare si lauda. E infinit, si totusi, in infinitatea Lui, Isi pleaca privirea catre fiecare dintre noi si vrea sa ne cunoasca personal. Ma bucur atat de mult sa stiu ca
Domnul nu-i limitat de timp, ci ca El inghite timpul
, El vede intreaga imagine, nu doar o bucatica asa cum vad eu, iar ceea ce eu trebuie sa fac e sa ma incred in infinita Lui putere si bunatate. Imi amintesc ca acum 3-4 ani, Vio tinuse o serie de emisiuni Nevoia de Cuvant pe tema Inchinarii. Mi-o amintesc spunand de faptul ca inchinarea trebuie sa devina stilul nostru de viata daca vrem sa-L onoram pe Domnul
. Dumnezeu vrea sa ne auda vocile cantandu-I si vrea sa ne vada inimile deschise, cu duhurile plecate intr-o continua inchinare la adresa Lui. Avem atatea motive sa ne trezim dimineata si sa strigam impreuna cu Paul Baloche: You are GLORIOUS, Father!!! Gloria Lui umple pamantul, iar atunci cand ne plecam genunchii inaintea Lui, El ne umple inimile cu glorie, cu dragoste, cu pace, cu liniste si cu Duhul Lui Sfant! Daca ochii tai inca n-au vazut GLORIA LUI, pleaca-ti inima, stai in fata Lui, si cere-I descoperire. El n-o sa intarzie sa te umple cu mai mult din EL...Glorious, My eyes have seen the glory of the Lord!!!
Melodia zilei:
Paul Baloche - Glorious
Verse 1:
Look inside the mystery,
See the empty cross
See the risen Saviour,
Victorious and strong
No one else above Him
None as strong to save
He alone has conquered,
The power of the grave
Glorious, my eyes have the seen the glory of the Lord
Glorious, He stands above the rulers of the Earth
Verse 2:
Look beyond the tombstone
See the living God
See the resurrected
The ruler of my heart
No one else above him
None to match his worth
The hope of his returning
Fills the universe
Glorious, my eyes have the seen the glory of the Lord
Glorious, He stands above the rulers of the Earth
Glorious, glorious
Lord you are glorious
Bridge 1
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Glorious, my eyes have the seen the glory of the Lord
Glorious, He stands above the rulers of the Earth
Glorious, glorious
Lord you are glorious
Bridge 2
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Look inside the mystery,
See the empty cross
See the risen Saviour,
Victorious and strong
No one else above Him
None as strong to save
He alone has conquered,
The power of the grave
Glorious, my eyes have the seen the glory of the Lord
Glorious, He stands above the rulers of the Earth
Verse 2:
Look beyond the tombstone
See the living God
See the resurrected
The ruler of my heart
No one else above him
None to match his worth
The hope of his returning
Fills the universe
Glorious, my eyes have the seen the glory of the Lord
Glorious, He stands above the rulers of the Earth
Glorious, glorious
Lord you are glorious
Bridge 1
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Glorious, my eyes have the seen the glory of the Lord
Glorious, He stands above the rulers of the Earth
Glorious, glorious
Lord you are glorious
Bridge 2
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Oh___________ You are Glorious
Rugaciunea zilei:
Tata, Tu locuiesti in mijlocul laudelor noastre, asa ca venim si ne inchinam Tie cu vietile, cu inimile, cu mintile si cu gurile noastre, si asteptam sa vedem gloria Ta! Amen!
Multumim Laura pentru slujire!
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