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Daily Bread: 12 dec. 2011

Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de Charys!
Gandul zilei:
Dragoste, pace si bucurie – cele mai frumoase cadouri pe care ni le putem dori de sarbatori!

Meditatia zilei:

Cred ca fiecare dintre noi are o lista mai mica sau mai mare cu ceea ce-si doreste de sarbatori, fie ea cu lucruri materiale sau trasaturi spirituale.
Dragostea ne-o dorim pentru a ne face sa ne simtim in siguranta, dar oare ne dorim si dragoste pentru a da mai departe?
Pace pentru sufletele noastre, dar oare ne dorim pace si pentru cei din jurul nostru?Suntem noi oameni ai pacii?
Bucurie in casa si in inima noastra, dar oare suntem gata sa aducem bucurie si in locuri/inimi unde poate nu exista motive de bucurie?
Dumnezeu ne daruieste din belsug, dragoste, pace, bucurie...Si poate a venit timpul ca sa dam din ele si celor din jurul nostru!!!

Melodia zilei:
Out Of Eden - Love, Peace & Happiness
Don't want to think about just where I would be
Had you not had the heart to come rescue me
Gave me a new start, on this life, had mercy
With you I fell in love, no I can see that I'm free
Your love is deep as the ocean
Wide as the sea
Your love has my deovtion
You get every part of me
There's so much that I can say but words don't really show
So I let my life speak so the world will know

You've given me love, peace and happiness
You've given me life and I knowIi'm blessed
You've given me all that I need and yes
Lord with everything you've done for me
Most thankful cause you've given me you

It's so amazing you were able to find
Something worth saving and with your love divine
You reached into this life and you gave me a chance
Set my feet on a rock and now i can dance
Your love is deep as the ocean
Wide as the sea
Your love has my devotion
You get every part of me
There's so much I can say but words don't really show
So I let my life speak so the world will know

You've given me love, peace and happiness
You've given me life and I know I'm blessed
You've given me all that I need and yes lord with everything you've done for me
Most thankful cause you've given me you

There's so much that I can say like
So great and so powerful yes you are lord
There's so much that I can say like
Amazing incredible yes you are lord
There's so much that I can say but words
Don't really show
So I let my life speak so the world will know

You've given me love, peace and happiness
You've given me life and I know I'm blessed
You've given me all that I need and yes lord with everything you've done for me
Most thankful cause you've given me you (3x)

Rugaciunea zilei:
Tata iti multumim pentru dragostea Ta, iti multumim pentru pacea pe care ne-o daruiesti si ajuta-ne sa nu lasam pe nimeni sa ne-o tulbure. Iti multumim pentru bucuria pe care o pui in inimile noastre si te rog da ne putere sa dam si altora din ceea ce tu ai pus in viata noastra!


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