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Daily Bread: 24 feb. 2012

Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de Rubens!
Gandul zilei:
1 Ioan 2:3 - Si prin aceasta stim ca Il cunoastem, daca pazim poruncile Lui.

Meditatia zilei:
 Sa cunosti pe cineva inseamna sa stii informatii despre acel cineva, dar inseamna mai ales sa ai o relatie cu respectiva persoana, adica sa existe o cunoastere reciproca.
La Dumnezeu, insa, cunoasterea este ceva mult mai amplu. Dumnezeu ne cunoaste pe toti si ne stie pornirile inimii, dar noi nu aratam intotdeauna ca Il cunoastem pe El, chiar daca afirmam hotarat ca Il cunoastem.
Cand ne intreaba cineva daca Il cunoastem pe Dumnezeu, noi spunem automat “da” fara sa ne gandim la ce inseamna de fapt cunoasterea aceasta. Poti cunoaste Biblia, poti cunoaste voia Lui Dumnezeu, poti cunoaste totul despre El si totusi sa nu-L cunosti. Cuvantul ne spune ca, a-L cunoaste pe Dumnezeu inseamna a pazi poruncile Lui, adica a implini voia Lui. Asta inseamna ca degeaba citesc din Biblie si ma rog daca ma joc cu pacatul si nu traiesc pe placul Domnului. Daca nu traiesc asemenea lui Cristos, ma insel singur ca am o relatie cu Dumnezeu. Trebuie sa traiesc ce citesc ca sa ajung la a-L cunoaste pe El.
Pazeste intotdeauna poruncile Domnului si umbla pe calea placuta Lui, adica cea stramta!
Arata celor din jur ca tu cunosti cu adevarat pe Dumnezeu si ca nu sunt doar vorbe.

Melodia zilei:
Don Moen - I Want To Know You More
 One thing have i desired
Forever will I see
To behold the beauty of His holy name
And to dwell within the presence of the King
How could I ask for more
He's done so much for me
For I have tasted of the goodness of the Lord
And I've feasted at the table of the King
I just want to know Him more
I just want to know Him more
I just want to know Him more
I just want to know Him more

You've called me by Your name
And You've filled me with your love
You have covered with mercy and with grace
And have showered me with blessings from above
And yet i know there's more
I hear You calling me
To a place where i have never been before
Where Your love is flowing
Deeper than the sea
I just want to know Him more
I just want to know Him more
I just want to know You more
I just want to know You more

Open my eyes
Lord i want to see
All you have promised and given to me
I want to know the secrets that are hidden in your word
I want to know You
I want to know You

One day i'll see your face
And I'll look into Your eyes
And to all eternity I'll sing your praise
And forevermore fulfil my heart's desire
I just want to know You more
I just want to know You more
I just want to know You more
I just want to know You more

Rugaciunea zilei:
Te rugam, Doamne, in Numele Domnului Isus, ajuta-ne sa pazim poruncile Tale ca sa Te cunoastem mai mult!

Multumim Rubens pentru slujire!

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