Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de neemia!
Gandul zilei:
"Caci mie nu mi-e rusine de Evanghelia lui Hristos; fiindca ea este puterea lui Dumnezeu pentru mintuirea fiecaruia care crede: intii a Iudeului, apoi a Grecului; deoarece in ea este descoperita o neprihanire, pe care o da Dumnezeu, prin credinta si care duce la credinta, dupa cum este scris: "Cel neprihanit va trai prin credianta." - Romani 1:16-17
Meditatia zilei:
Noi, copiii lui Dumnezeu, suntem socotiti neprihaniti si sfinti. Nu din cauza faptelor facute de noi, ci din cauza dragostei lui Dumnezeu, si faptul ca si-a dat pe Unicul Sau Fiu ca sa moara pentru noi. Crezand in El, avem iertare de pacatele noastre, suntem pecetluiti cu Duhul Sfant, si suntem ai Lui. Socotindune neprihaniti, inseamna ca suntem si impacati cu Dumnezeu. Poate ca in Romana, cuvintele "neprihanire" si "impacare" nu sunt la fel, dar in greaca, "neprihanire" este
si "impacare" dikaioo
. Apostolul Pavel foloseste amandoua cuvinte in epistolele sale, asa ca putem conclude ca, fiind impacati cu Dumnezeu, suntem socotiti si neprihaniti. Dumnezeu ne iubeste pe fiecare, si doreste ca fiecare din noi sa fim impacati cu El. Uneori cadem, gresim, pacatuim, dar Dumnezeu nu-Si va intoarce spatele de la cei ce cauta sa se impace cu El.Melodia zilei:
Rachael Lampa - Day Of Freedom
Verse 1:
One man lived to bring a vision
One man died to save a nation
One voice calls us all to freedom
In the Name of Love
Reaching out to one another
Joining hands of every color
Name each one a sister and brother
In the Name of Love
Let us Praise the Name of Jesus all across the world
We're the children of the faith
Though we walk in diffrent ways
Let's live our lives to celebrate
The day of freedom
Verse 2:
Tore down all the walls between us
Broke up all the chains that bound us
Found the common ground beneath us
In the Name of Love
Let us step into the water
Let us drink the blood of Jesus
No more wars to seperate us
In the Name of Love
Let us build a bridge that reaches all across the world
One man lived to bring a vision
One man died to save a nation
One voice calls us all to freedom
In the Name of Love
Reaching out to one another
Joining hands of every color
Name each one a sister and brother
In the Name of Love
Let us Praise the Name of Jesus all across the world
We're the children of the faith
Though we walk in diffrent ways
Let's live our lives to celebrate
The day of freedom
Verse 2:
Tore down all the walls between us
Broke up all the chains that bound us
Found the common ground beneath us
In the Name of Love
Let us step into the water
Let us drink the blood of Jesus
No more wars to seperate us
In the Name of Love
Let us build a bridge that reaches all across the world
Rugaciunea zilnica:
Nu prin faptele noastre, ci prin harul Tau, Doamne, suntem sfintiti. Iti multumim pentru dragostea ta cea mare!
Multumim neemia pentru slujire!
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