Pachetul zilei de azi a fost pregatit de anadrya!
Gandul zilei:
Ba mai mult, ne bucurăm chiar şi în necazurile noastre.
Meditatia zilei:
Ba mai mult, ne bucurăm chiar şi în necazurile noastre; căci ştim că necazul aduce răbdare, răbdarea aduce biruinţă în încercare, iar biruinţa aceasta aduce nădejdea. Însă nădejdea aceasta nu înşală, pentru că dragostea lui Dumnezeu a fost turnată în inimile noastre prin Duhul Sfânt care ne-a fost dat.(Romani 5.3-5)
Citeam aceste versete si primul gand care mi-a trecut prin minte a fost:Ne putem bucura chiar si in necazurile noastre?....Nu stiu problemele cu care va confruntati majoritatea dintre voi,nu va stiu necazurile…dar ma intreb,va puteti bucura si in situatiile mai putin bune?...Intrebarea asta mi-o pun si eu,ma uit in dreptul meu….pot sa ma bucur cand neputinta ma cuprinde tot mai tare,si fiecare miscare necesita multa forta si atentie?Pot sa ma bucur si atunci cand nu reusesc sa fac un lucru?
Necazuri avem fiecare,fie mai mici,fie mai mari…tot necaz este…si este foarte greu sa fii bucuros cand treci prin ele omenesc vorbind,persoana care e in necaz ma gandesc ca trebuie sa aiba o credinta foarte puternica,o nadejde de neclintit pentru a putea sa accepte situatia,sa fie totusi bucuroasa ,nu de necaz…ci in necaz…e o diferenta.Desi la prima vedere nu ne place sa trecem printr-un necaz,totusi cum scrie in Cuvant,necazul ne face mai rabdatori,spun asta din experienta,iar rabdarea aduce biruinta in incercare,ne aduce nadejde care nu insala,pentru ca dragostea lui Dumnzeu a fost turnata in inimile noastre…Spunea cineva ca atunci:''Cand Dumnezeu iti pune o greutate in brate,atunci cu siguranta mana Lui te sprijina!''Deci indiferent de greutatea,necazul sau suferinta,prin care Dumnezeu ne lasa sa trecem sau sa ducem,ne va da iarasi viata(Ps.71.20)
Citeam aceste versete si primul gand care mi-a trecut prin minte a fost:Ne putem bucura chiar si in necazurile noastre?....Nu stiu problemele cu care va confruntati majoritatea dintre voi,nu va stiu necazurile…dar ma intreb,va puteti bucura si in situatiile mai putin bune?...Intrebarea asta mi-o pun si eu,ma uit in dreptul meu….pot sa ma bucur cand neputinta ma cuprinde tot mai tare,si fiecare miscare necesita multa forta si atentie?Pot sa ma bucur si atunci cand nu reusesc sa fac un lucru?
Necazuri avem fiecare,fie mai mici,fie mai mari…tot necaz este…si este foarte greu sa fii bucuros cand treci prin ele omenesc vorbind,persoana care e in necaz ma gandesc ca trebuie sa aiba o credinta foarte puternica,o nadejde de neclintit pentru a putea sa accepte situatia,sa fie totusi bucuroasa ,nu de necaz…ci in necaz…e o diferenta.Desi la prima vedere nu ne place sa trecem printr-un necaz,totusi cum scrie in Cuvant,necazul ne face mai rabdatori,spun asta din experienta,iar rabdarea aduce biruinta in incercare,ne aduce nadejde care nu insala,pentru ca dragostea lui Dumnzeu a fost turnata in inimile noastre…Spunea cineva ca atunci:''Cand Dumnezeu iti pune o greutate in brate,atunci cu siguranta mana Lui te sprijina!''Deci indiferent de greutatea,necazul sau suferinta,prin care Dumnezeu ne lasa sa trecem sau sa ducem,ne va da iarasi viata(Ps.71.20)
Daca omenesc este greu sa te bucuri,va fi oare greu si la Dumnezeu?Ba mai mult ne spune in Cuvantul Sau ca ne mangaie cand suntem intristati,ne da bucurie in locul plansului,o haina de lauda in locul unui duh mahnit…Toate acestea lucruri Dumnezeu le face pentru copiii Sai ca sa slujeasca spre Slava Sa.(Isaia 61.1-3)
Putem sa ne bucuram in necaz prin faptul ca avem viata,sa ne bucuram de ea,care e cea mai importanta.Pot sa spun din experienta ca stiu ce inseamna necazul, suferinta, si pot sa spun,ca te poti bucura in altfel de situatii..Spunea cineva:
Bucură-te că ai un Dumnezeu, care-ţi este Tată! Bucură-te că ai un Mântuitor, care-ţi dă har - Isus Hristos! Bucură-te, gândindu-te că necazurile sunt şcoala desăvârşirii.
Melodia zilei:
Josh Wilson - Before The Morning
Do you wonder why you have to,
Feel the things that hurt you,
If there's a God who loves you,
Where is He now?
Maybe, there are things you can't see
And all those things are happening
To bring a better ending
Some day, some how, you'll see, you'll see
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
So hold on, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the dark before the morning
My friend, you know how this all ends
And you know where you're going,
You just don't know how you get there
So just say a prayer.
And hold on, cause there's good who love God,
Life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time,
But you'll see the bigger picture
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
So hold on, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the dark before the morning
Yeah, yeah,
Before the morning,
Yeah, yeah
Once you feel the way of glory,
All your pain will fade to memory
Once you feel the way of glory,
All your pain will fade to memory
Memory, memory, yeah
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
Com'n, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the hurt before the healing
The pain you've been feeling,
Just the dark before the morning
Before the morning, yeah, yeah
Before the morning
Feel the things that hurt you,
If there's a God who loves you,
Where is He now?
Maybe, there are things you can't see
And all those things are happening
To bring a better ending
Some day, some how, you'll see, you'll see
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
So hold on, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the dark before the morning
My friend, you know how this all ends
And you know where you're going,
You just don't know how you get there
So just say a prayer.
And hold on, cause there's good who love God,
Life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time,
But you'll see the bigger picture
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
So hold on, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the dark before the morning
Yeah, yeah,
Before the morning,
Yeah, yeah
Once you feel the way of glory,
All your pain will fade to memory
Once you feel the way of glory,
All your pain will fade to memory
Memory, memory, yeah
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'Cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming
Com'n, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the hurt before the healing
The pain you've been feeling,
Just the dark before the morning
Before the morning, yeah, yeah
Before the morning
Rugaciunea zilnica:
Tata,nu e usor sa te bucuri in necaz dar la Tine totul e cu putinta de aceia ajuta-ne sa ne bucuram chear si in necazurile noastre. Si sa nu uitam ca toate vor trece in zorii dimineti.
Multumim anadrya pentru slujire!
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