Pachetul zilei a fost pregatit de Kostinush!
Gandul zilei:"Mare este Domnul si laudat de toti in cetatea Dumnezeului nostru,pe muntele LUI cel sfant."(psalm 48vs1)
Meditatia zilei:
God is Great.....Dumnezeu este mare !
Este El chiar vietile noastre?Cat este EL de mare?
De cele mai multe ori avem tendinta in vietile nostre mici sa IL coboram la nivelul nostru si sa Il facem mic si neputincios...mic ca si vietile nostre marunte.
Prea mult incercam sa-L potrivim si sa ii dam forma vietii nostre mici.
Imi doresc in aceasta zi sa avem curajul de a_L lasa liber in vietile nostre .Gandurile mele astazi nu sunt multe ....dar imi doresc atat astazi putem spune ....Doamne tu esti mare...esti totul in viata mea !
Si nu numai, ...ESTI atat de mare incat .....cuprinzi totul in viata mea ...biruintele si esecurile mele....bucuriile cat si intrastarile .....TOTUL!
Melodia zilei:
Graham Kendrick - God Is Great
God is great, amazing!Come, let his praises ring
God is great, astounding!
The whole creation sings
His clothing is splendour and majesty bright
For He wraps himself in a garment of light
He spreads out the heavens, his palace of stars
And rides on the wings of the wind
What marvellous wisdom the Maker displays
The sea vast and spacious, the dolphins and whales
The earth full of creatures, the great and the small
He watches and cares for them all
The rain forest canopies darken the skies
Cathedrals of mist that resound with the choirs
Of creatures discordant, outrageous, ablaze
In colourful pageants of praise
Above his creation the Father presides
The pulse of the planets, the rhythm of tides
The moon marks the seasons, the day follows night
Yet he knows every beat of my heart
Let cannons of thunder salute their acclaim
The sunsets fly glorious banners of flame
The angels shout 'holy' again and again
As they soar in the arch of the heavens
Rugaciunea zilei:
Doamne Tata iti multumesc pentru aceasta zi si cred ca tu vei fi MARE ...astazi in vietile aceea laud NUMELE TAU in aceasta zi . AMEN
Multumim Kostinush pentru slujire!
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