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Daily Bread 23 septembrie 2011

Pachetul Daily Bread pentru 23 septembrie 2011 a fost pregatit de olea!
Gandul zilei:
“Nu te teme caci Eu sint cu tine, nu te uita cu ingrijorare, caci Eu sint Dumnezeul tau, Eu te intaresc, tot Eu iti vin in ajutor. Eu te sprijinesc cu dreapta Mea biruitoare.” Isaia 41:10
Meditatia zilei:
Toti avem moment in viata cind ni se pare ca Dumnezeu este departe si parca am ramas undeva in drum fara sa fim observati de cineva. Astazi suntem plini de ravna, dar maine cadem in deznadejde. Si atunci stam si ne intrebam de ce oare??.. Atunci vine si indoiala ca suntem parasiti de El si nu gasim raspunsuri la intrebarile noastre. Neincrederea provoaca indoiala in viata noastra, dar Dumnezeu a promis ca nu ne va parasi. Vreau sa va spun ca Dumnezeu nu este departe. Biblia este plina de promisiuni, trebuie doar sa ne incredem in aceste promisiuni. Nu trebuie sa avem o experienta emotiva cu Dumnezeu, ci sa avem o incredere deplina in El ca sa putem ramane in picioare atunci cand vine frica, neincrederea, sau deznadejdea. Prin astea El ne intareste si ne creste sau mai bine zis ne maturizeaza spiritual.

Melodia zilei:
Leeland - I Can See Your Love
Staring at the glow of the city lights
In the land of the rising sun
You hear the cries from the hearts of everyone
An ocean apart from my town tonight
But I know I’m not alone
I feel You just as close a thousand miles from home
I can see Your love, I can see Your love all around
Everywhere I go, everywhere
It’s surrounding
I can feel Your heart, I can feel Your heart
Beating for us now
Sinking my feet in the muddy ground
Lifting my face in the rain
I see Your kingdom in the middle of hunger and pain
I feel You in the hands of the poor
I hear You in the song of the weak
There is no place too far that You can’t reach
I see it in the sun I see it in the sky
Your glory’s everywhere Your love is alive
I see it in Your Son
I see it when He died I see it when He rose
Your love is alive
Oh yeah, Your love is alive
Could we with ink the ocean fill
And were the skies of paper made
Every tree on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky
Oh love of God, how rich and pure
How measureless and strong
It shall forevermore endure
The saints and angels songs
Oh love of God, how rich and pure
How measureless and strong
It shall forevermore endure
Rugaciunea zilnica:
Doamne ne rugam astazi ca sa alungi orice indoiala si necredinta care ne impiedica sa Te vedem in viata de zi cu zi. Da-ne aceasta incredere ca esti cu noi si ca ne porti mereu cu dreapta Ta biruitoare.

Multumim olea pentru slujire!

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